
Prof. Asoc. Dr. Ylli Kortoçi

Profesor i Asocuar

Pozicioni: Profesor i Asocuar
Angazhimi: Profesor i Rregullt
Titulli: Prof. Asoc. Dr. Ylli Kortoçi

Autobiografia – CV 

Autobiografia – CV (Anglish)

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Publikimet e Prof. Ass. Dr. Emri dhe Mbiemri
Revistat Shkencore
Titulli i punimit Emri i revistes Viti / Vellimi/faqet
Pyjet e virgjera te ahut ne Shqiperine e Veriut: Lumi i Tropojes ANASH – Analet e Alb-Shkences htto://alna.mali- 05 2008 .ndf Dhjetor 2008

Viti III, Numri 5, 49-5

Boschi in Albania Selvicoltura e utilizzazioni nelle faggete Sherwood. foreste ed alberi oggi. ISSN: 1590-7805 httns:// Tetor 2008 vol. 147, p]
Evaluation of Biomass Supply Chain from Robinia pseudoacacia L. SRF Plantations on Abandoned Lands Journal of Life Sciences ISSN:1934-7391. httos:// Shkurt 2012 Volume 6 2, February 2012, 187-
Evaluation of non- productive functions of forest ecosystems, determination of alternative management measurements for biodiversity conservation International Journal of Ecosystems and Ecology Science. ISSN: 2224-4980

Shtator 2012. Volume 167-172.
New utilization technologies of the beech forests in Albania International Journal of Ecosystems and Ecology Science ISSN:2224-4980


Janar 2014. Volume 4/ 104.
The assessment of the rural tourism development in the Valbona Valley National Park Tourism Economics 0.826 Impact Factor httns:// Dhjetor 2017 Volume pp.1662-1672
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Punime shkencore (abstrakte) ne Konferencat Nderkombetare dhe Kombetare Shkencore
Titulli i punimit Konferenca Viti / Vellimi /faqet
Caratterizzazione della biomassa di pioppo e robinia a ciclo breve (Short Rotation Forestry) ATTI del Terzo Congresso Nazionale di Selvicoltura

per il miglioramento e la conservazione dei boschi italiani ISBN


2009/ Volume terzo/14
Analysis of economic, energetic and environmental sustainability in biomass supply chain from robina pseudoacacia L. SRF plantations on abandoned agricultural lands 17th Biomass Conference and Exhibition. ISBN-10: 8889407573 ISBN-13: 978-8889407578 httn:// 2009 /279-284
Evaluation of air quality in Tirana and measurement for pollution reduction International Conference Towards Future Sustainable Development ISBN: 978-9928- 4011-9-9, Shkoder, Albania. Nentor 2012 /491-495
Terrenet e abandonuara dhe rehabilitimi i tyre – Abandoned areas and their rehabilitation Takimi VII vjetor shkencor nderkombetar IASH (Instituti Alb- Skenca).


2012/252 Shkup.
Menaxhimi i pyjeve te gestenjes, metodat e seleksionimit dhe ruajtjes se frutave- Management of chestnut forests, selection and conservation methods of fruits Takimi VII vjetor shkencor nderkombetar IASH (Instituti Alb- Skenca).

2012/252 Shkup.
Comparison of biomass productivity in two different plantations of fast growth species International Conference of Ecosystems (ICE) ISBN:978-9928-

4068-7-3, Tirana, Albania.


conference-of-ecosystems-ice2013 -tirana-albania
New utilization technologies of the beech forests in Albania International Conference of Ecosystems (ICE) ISBN:978-

9928-4068-7-3, Tirana, Albania


conference-of-ecosystems-ice2013 -tirana-albania
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