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Position: Assistant Professor
Engagement: Assistant Professor
Title: Assistant 

Autobiography – CV

Autobiography – CV (English)

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Scientific papers (abstract) in International and National Scientific Conferences
Title of the paper Conferences Year / Volume / pages
Performance Estimation of Sorting Algorithms Under Different Platforms and Environments International Conference on Engineering Technologies (ICENTE’18), Conference Proceedings, E-ISBN: 978-605-68537-3-9. /ICENTE18_proceedingsbookv4.pdf Tetor 2018/ 130-133
Ethical Background of Using Modern Internet Technologies as a Medium for Communication in the Educational System in Macedonia Proceedings of the MIPRO 2018, 41st International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics, IEEE Conference Publications, Opatija, Kroaci. /ce/ce_40_5066.pdf Maj 2018/ 785-790
Using Textual Features for The Detection Of Vandalism In Wikipedia: A Comparative Approach in Low-Resource Language Sections 2nd World Conference on Technology, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Stamboll, Turqi, ISSN: 2459-0762 PBeV90TWJncTVrb1E/view Maj 2017
Ensemble Based Approach For Improving The Detection of Vandalism In Wikipedia Across Languages 2nd World Conference on Technology, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Stamboll, Turqi, ISSN: 2459-0762 Maj 2017
Machine Learning Based Detection of Vandalism in Wikipedia Across Languages Proceedings of the 5th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing, Bar, Mali i Zi, ISBN: 978-1-5090-2222-9. mostRecentIssue.jsp?punumber=7513174 Qershor 2016
Machine Learning and the Detection of Anomalies in Wikipedia Recent Advances in Communications, Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Communications, Zakynthos Island, Greqi, ISSN: 1790-5117, ISBN: 978-1-61804-318-4. /bypaper/COMMUN/COMMUN-37.pdf Korrik 2015
SOAP Technology as a Possibility for Web Services to Enable Efficient Communication Between Distributed Systems, Working on Heterogeneous Platforms Proceedings of the 2nd Balkan Conference in Informatics, Ohër, Maqedoni e Veriut, ISBN: 9989-668-49-3. Nëntor 2005